Five Element Acupuncture. The five elements, metal, wood, water, fire and earth.

Five Element Acupuncture

Acupuncture and the Five Elements

Acupuncture is an ancient system of healing that has the power to treat both superficial symptoms and underlying causes of disease. With acupuncture the aim is to return the entire body, mind and spirit to a state of balance and ease, as it is understood that, most of the time, physical symptoms are either reflections or manifestations of problems elsewhere in the system.

The Five Elements. Chinese Medicine, the Five Elements symbols

This perspective comes from the unique and elegant Chinese understanding of the world. Rather than seeking to explain human health by examining the functioning of the body, the Chinese chose to look to nature for inspiration. There they saw the changing of the seasons and the passage of life and death, which they extrapolated into their concepts of both Yin and Yang and the Five Elements.

The Five Elements

The Metal Type. Five Element Acupuncture for metal elements..

Metal Element

Wood Element

The Water Type. Five Element Acupuncture for water elements.

Water Element

The Fire Type. Five Element Acupuncture for fire elements.

Fire Element

The Earth Type. Five Element Acupuncture for earth elements.

Earth ElementSpace

Each of these elements represents, a season, an emotion, at least two of the human organs as well as a whole host of characteristics, traits and functions.

As individual microcosms of nature we each contain all of the Five elements, but our particular life experience and ancestry will mean that we tend to resonate more strongly with one. Five Element acupuncture calls this our Causative Factor (CF) It is important to realise that your CF is both your area of weakness and your greatest strength. Through understanding your element and using acupuncture and lifestyle changes to strengthen this perennial area of weakness you can seriously enhance both your health and your enjoyment of life.


When you come for acupuncture, your practitioner will use their understanding of Five Element acupuncture to determine your CF. This allows them to tap into the power of this deep intricate and poetic tradition and nourish any imbalances in your health and well-being at their foundations.

You can use the information here to decide which element you feel you most resonates with and to see if you agree with your practitioner!

Book an appointment. Acupunture online booking here. For acupunctures in Torquay, Paignton, Brixham, Teignmouth and around Torbay book your acupuncture treatment here on Torbay Acupuncture Centre's online booking.

Rachel Geary

Rachel Geary BA(Hons), Lic. Ac. MBAcC is a fully qualified acupuncturist, having graduated from the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine in 2002. She has previously practised in Inverness and Barnstaple. "I first became interested in acupuncture whilst I was at university studying History and Philosophy. I was particularly drawn to eastern philosophy, which I found particularly elegant and beautiful. I then went on to complete a three and a half year course of study in acupuncture and discovered it to exemplify these very same qualities. I feel very privileged to have been able to learn so much about the Chinese understanding of health and to be able to use this knowledge to help others." Rachel Geary is a Registered Acupuncturist, she is registered at The British Acupuncture Council (BAcC), and The Association of Community and Multibed Acupuncture Clinic (ACMAC).