Western theory and acupuncture. The Torbay Acupuncture Centre, Torquay, Devon.

Western Theory

Western Theory, Diagnosis and Acupuncture

Like Western Medicine, acupuncture provides a complete system of health. Although its perspective is completely different it can fully explain all conditions of imbalance, illness and disease.


Nevertheless, for most people in the West, acupuncture is still a strange and alien concept. To help you to understand how it works and how it explains the workings of your body this section of the website allows you to access information from a more familiar perspective. Follow the links below to find out about health from a Western point of view. You can then go on to look at the Chinese definition of the same physiology in order to understand what your symptoms mean to your acupuncturist.

The Urinary System
The Kidneys
The Bladder, ureter and urethra

The Digestive System
The Liver
The Gall Bladder
The Large Intestine
The Digestive System

The Respiratory System
The Upper Respiratory Track
The Lower Respiratory Track

The Cardiovascular System
The Cardiovascular System
The Arteries
The Veins
The Heart
Blood Pressure

The Nervous System
The Nervous System

Book an appointment. Acupunture online booking here. For acupunctures in Torquay, Paignton, Brixham, Teignmouth and around Torbay book your acupuncture treatment here on Torbay Acupuncture Centre's online booking.


Rachel Geary

Rachel Geary BA(Hons), Lic. Ac. MBAcC is a fully qualified acupuncturist, having graduated from the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine in 2002. She has previously practised in Inverness and Barnstaple. "I first became interested in acupuncture whilst I was at university studying History and Philosophy. I was particularly drawn to eastern philosophy, which I found particularly elegant and beautiful. I then went on to complete a three and a half year course of study in acupuncture and discovered it to exemplify these very same qualities. I feel very privileged to have been able to learn so much about the Chinese understanding of health and to be able to use this knowledge to help others." Rachel Geary is a Registered Acupuncturist, she is registered at The British Acupuncture Council (BAcC), and The Association of Community and Multibed Acupuncture Clinic (ACMAC).