Torbay Acu, the Torbay Acupuncture Centre in Torquay, Torbay. The Metal Element. Five Element Acupuncture for metal elements in Torbay, Devon.

The Function of the Large Intestines

The Large Intestine – The drainer of the dregs

The Large Intestine is the Yang organ paired with the Lungs, under the element of Metal. It is at its strongest between 5 and 7 am.

On a physical level the role of the Large Intestine in Chinese Medicine, does not differ much from its role in Western Medicine. Energetically, however there is a little more to it. The Large Intestine is in charge of letting go. It has the final say on what we keep and what we discard, which at a deeper level, means it has to be able to clearly distinguish, what does and does not serve us.

If there is imbalance in this organ, we may find we pollute our lives by hold on to unhealthy habits, activities or relationships much longer than we should. Conversely, a Large Intestine problems can also manifest in letting go too readily, of things that may be in our best interest in the long run.

The Function of the Large Intestine

1. Receives transformed food and drink from the Small Intestine
As in Western science the Large Intestine is seen to receive the transformed and partially processed food from the Small Intestine.

2. Absorbs the remaining pure food and nourishment
Again, mirroring Western physiology the Large Intestine is tasked with absorbing the remaining nutrients and particularly fluid from the food waste. The efficiency with which this is done, will determine whether the bowl movements are normal, too loose or too dry.

3. Excretes the dirty wastes
Like the Lungs the direction of movement for the Large Intestine is downwards. In this case the downward movement involves the evacuation of waste materials in the form of stools.

Rachel Geary

Rachel Geary BA(Hons), Lic. Ac. MBAcC is a fully qualified acupuncturist, having graduated from the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine in 2002. She has previously practised in Inverness and Barnstaple. "I first became interested in acupuncture whilst I was at university studying History and Philosophy. I was particularly drawn to eastern philosophy, which I found particularly elegant and beautiful. I then went on to complete a three and a half year course of study in acupuncture and discovered it to exemplify these very same qualities. I feel very privileged to have been able to learn so much about the Chinese understanding of health and to be able to use this knowledge to help others." Rachel Geary is a Registered Acupuncturist, she is registered at The British Acupuncture Council (BAcC), and The Association of Community and Multibed Acupuncture Clinic (ACMAC).